Two rad techs hooking patient up to Siemens nuclear medicine diagnostic imaging equipment
Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear medicine uses a small amount of radioactive materials, or radiopharmaceuticals, to produce images used to evaluate organ function and structure. Nuclear medicine imaging is among the safest diagnostic tools; radiation amounts are usually smaller than what patients receive during a routine X-ray.
What does nuclear medicine help diagnose?
By measuring behavior of radionuclides in the body, nuclear medicine helps diagnose various conditions such as tumors, infections, hematomas, organ enlargement and cysts. Providers can also evaluate organ function, blood circulation and identify abnormal blood flow to the heart, determine the extent of the damage of the heart muscle after a heart attack, and/or measure heart function using nuclear medicine imaging.Nuclear medicine is available at:
Curry Medical Center500 5th St.
Brookings, OR
Referrals: Your primary care provider can place an order for you to receive a Nuclear Medicine scan by completing this convenient Radiology Order Form and faxing it to 541.412.2083.
Ordering questions: 541.247.3970
Scheduling questions: 541.412.6990
Brochure: Get the facts about medical imagingBrochure: Pediatric Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Safety