Female rad tech administering a cardiac echo to male patient, lying on echo table.
An echocardiogram, also called cardiac echo or echo, is a graphic outline of the heart's movement. During an echo, high-frequency sound waves--or ultrasound--from a handheld wand placed on the chest provides images of the heart's chambers and valves. An echo can show a range of heart-related illness and allows technicians to evaluate the pumping action of the heart.
Cardiac Echos are used to:
• Assess overall heart function.
• Evaluate blood flow.
• Diagnose or determine presence of heart disease, defects or valve disorders.
• Detect weakened heart muscles, blood clots, tumors and other concerns.
• Follow the progression of heart or valve disorders.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of surgical or medical treatments.
Echocardiogram services available at:
Curry Medical Center500 5th St.
Brookings, OR
Referrals: Your primary care provider can place an order for you to receive an echocardiogram by completing this convenient Radiology Order Form and faxing it to 541.412.2083.
Ordering questions: 541.247.3970
Scheduling questions: 541.412.6990