Curry Health District Board of Directors
Agendas, Minutes, Board Packets and Financials
You may download Board Agendas, Minutes, Packets and Financial Statements here.Governing Policies and Bylaws
You may download the complete Board Governing Policies Manual of Curry Health District, the Board of Directors Bylaws, and the Board-Management Compact adopted in January 2021. These documents reflect the new "Governance by Policy" model of governance adopted and designed to empower the Board to fulfill their obligation of accountability for the organization. The model enables the Board to focus on the larger issues, to delegate with clarity, to control management's job without intrusion, to rigorously evaluate the accomplishment of the organization; and to effectively lead the organization.Background and Members
Curry Health District (DBA Curry Health Network) was established by election on September 20, 1983, and fosters healthy communities with compassionate, quality health care.Major duties of the Board include setting policy; selecting, directing and supporting the Chief Executive Officer, reviewing his/her performance; providing long-term direction and planning by updating the District strategic plan; engaging in the review and approval of the annual District budget; and assisting in District compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing critical access hospitals and health districts.
Maarten Van Otterloo, Chair

Joel Hensley, Vice Chair

Hensley welcomes the opportunity to give back to the community, and to help continue the upward growth of Curry Health District to held strengthen and stabilize health care as one of the pillars of a strong and successful community.
DJ Storns, Secretary
DJ Storns was elected to the board to serve a 4-year term beginning July 1, 2023.
Bryan Grummon, Treasurer

Derral Hawthorne, PA, Board Member

Derral believes his intimate understanding of the difficulties experienced in healthcare in our area combined with a very good working relationship with CHN and the issues it faces that should be addressed to improve access to and quality of health care for the residents and taxpayers of Curry County are what fueled his desire to serve.
Hawthorne says he is an extension of the public, accountable to those residents and will find ways to communicate the decisions made by the board for those who are interested.