Picture that has an outline of two side profile faces. It says: speech therapy
Speech Therapy Services
With services tailored to individual needs of both inpatients and outpatients, our partnership with Reliant allows us to offer innovative programs by a professional speech-language pathologist that address difficulties with speech, language and swallowing disorders.●Accent modification
●Aphasia (stroke rehabilitation)
●Articulation disorders
●Auditory processing disorders
●Cognitive rehabilitation
●Dysfluency (stuttering)
●Language disorders
●Speech disorders
●Written language
Services are available at
Curry General Hospital
94220 4th Street
Gold Beach, OR 97444
and in Brookings -
Curry Medical Center
500 5th St.
Brookings, OR 97415
541.247.3070 (phone)
541.247.3115 (referral fax)